Office Max is offering 100% CASHBACK on SUPPLY ITEMS - ONLINE only!!!
Shipping is FREE with $20 purchase so that can easily done with a combo of these freebie options!!! All Bonus Reward offers are available 3/3/13 thru 3/9/13
Make sure you are SIGNED up for Max Perks FIRST! (It's FREE!)
How it Works: NEXT MONTH you will get an Office Max gift card in that cashback amount for any future purchases (online or in store) - don't need office supplies then? they have toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags, video games, etc too!
What to Do?
1) Once on Office Max website, sign in (or create an account) and make sure you register for MAXPERKS (it's FREE too!) YOU WILL NOT GET THESE ITEMS FREE IF YOU DON'T!
2) Click HERE to find the 100% cashback items - and add to cart!
3) Click or Sign up for EBATES - this is a FREE service and you get CASHBACK (plus a $10 gift card if this is your first purchase!) - search "Office Max" - then look in your cart.
If you just purchase the free items, shipping is $7.95 - so try to find some cheap items to get to $20 (I was $2.72 short so I grabbed some cheap pencils and erasers to donate to school! And here is link to some sale items. )
NOTE: I would NOT SUGGEST picking 2 of the items that are Buy one get one half - unless you really want 2 of those items - they will give you 100% cashback for the CHEAPEST of your items!
Here are the items that you can pick and choose from this week!
NOTE: LIMIT 2 TOTAL (not per item) - so you can get a TOTAL of (2) free items!
My order is below (I tried to max the cashback so this was the best deal I could figure out!)
- Item Total:$20.26 with FREE Shipping!
- I will get 3% cashback from Ebates AND $17.28 Next month in Office Max gift cards (this will be received in APRIL)
- TOTAL OUT OF POCKET: $2.12 (plus tax)
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